Ep. 13: Miriam Kagan, Art Therapy, Working With Psychedelics, And Transitioning To The Online Space For Therapy.

Happy full moon! The last full moon of the year. Today I share my conversation with Miriam. Here is a little more info about her and her work: Miriam is currently an art therapist in training at Pratt Institute. Her artwork is created by honing into her intuitive practice, then draws or paints imagery that represents her presence in this mindful state. She gains inspiration from the abstract works of Hilma Af Klint and Salvador Dali and their use of surreal and astral themes in their paintings. Based out of Brooklyn, NY, Miriam focuses on the mediums most accessible to her, being pen and paper, painting, mixed media collage, and the miscellaneous projects she can get her hands on, such as seashell jewelry. You can find her online here: mymindfulmanifestation.com, @mymindfulmanifestation on Instagram, and to reach her directly, mkagan13@gmail.com

Listen to the episode here: https://anchor.fm/lauren-schwind/episodes/Ep--13-Miriam-Kagan--Art-Therapy--Working-With-Psychedelics--And-Transitioning-To-The-Online-Space-For-Therapy-eobaej


Ep. 14: Sarah Kodish-Eskind, Creative Mutual Aid, Creating A Therapeutic Art Practice, And Showing Up For Yourself.


Ep. 12: Subnormal Story: How I got into my practice, Art wounds, And Re-learning My Connection