Hello, nice to meet you.


Here to cultivate your creativity as a way to assist your healing intuitively.

My name is Lauren

I support creative individuals with artistic blocks or wounds move through those barriers and into their authentic flow. Through reframing art as ritual, we will be able to dive deeper into your creative magic and embrace your art practice with less self-doubt or burn out. By working together, we will be able to shift your relationship with art in both magical and tangible ways. Creating a practice that supports your intuitive connection and overall mental health.

Let’s create a more nourishing art practice together!

Do you have an unhealthy relationship to an art practice? Maybe you had one, but fell out of love with one or maybe you feel like you don’t have time to get creative? Maybe you don’t feel like art is something you are “good” at, so it is not worth your time.

Your not alone.

These are all wounds I have personally experienced in my own artistic practice.

These wounds around creativity are common, even if you consider yourself an “artist” by trade.

My Background

Being the strange artist kid has always been the label for me. But even as a child that was labeled “creative” didn’t mean I did well in art class. My first artistic wound came from having teachers tell me that my art was not good, and even failing art classes in middle school. Even though I loved art didn’t mean that my style or expression was appreciated and thus my relationship with my creativity became one that was starting to judge and compare myself to peers that received more praise. I began to doubt myself and my abilities.

Over the years I worked to build my skills by going to art school in Savannah. It was there that my relationship with art became truly toxic. I made art to make deadlines and earn praise. I was not making out of joy and found myself having to force work out of me by taking stimulants. By the time I graduated I no longer enjoyed the process of creating, I was burnt out and depressed. Art was a toxic outlet of ego, I wanted to produce not create. I was going through the motions with my work instead of coming to it out of a place of pleasure.

I had stopped enjoying something I once loved.

It was clear that what I was doing needed to change. This is what started me down a journey of re-learning how to create art in a way that felt good again.

My Purpose

Over several years I started to take on jobs that centered around teaching, and as I did I began to connect with a spiritual practice to create healing within my life. But as I got deeper into these modalities the more I realized what I had been missing in my artistic practice.

I had to step back and look at art not through an experience of producing but through one of a spiritual teacher.

This re-learning is what I want to share with you.

In over 5 years of teaching, I have seen these same wounds I experienced come through for students both young and old. Seeing this come up for others has placed me on my mission to help others through these wounds. We are all able to ground ourselves into an art practice that fulfills our creativity, engages in our inner child, tap into our intuitive self and dive into new levels of the subconscious self.

Part of my spiritual development came in the way of Reiki, tarot, and astrology. So as a teacher/practitioner I use these tools to help engage those I work with.

Weather thats intuitive art classes, Reiki, or tarot. I offer up these intuitive tools as a way to support others, the way they have supported myself. I do so with the intention of giving you space for your authentic self to bloom in an intuitive, creative way. You deserve to feel empowered to create, heal, and feel good.

You deserve to engage in your subnormal self.

Ready to connect?

Question? Contact me.
