Client Reflections

Art Ritual:

“Lauren and I started the session by tuning in with a short meditation. We talked about what I have been going through, creatively and in life and general, then we did a short creative exercise drawing emotions. Already, I felt more free to let things flow through my hand. Next Lauren did a short Reiki session on me, followed by a free-flowing drawing period. The prompts she offered, as well as the music she chose, were helpful and I had no problem playing with what came out. At the end of the allotted time, we talked about how I felt about the drawing. When I shared with her that I felt a part of it was constricted (or constricting), she encouraged me to engage in either partial or total destruction on the piece- which I did, it felt good! We ended the session with a brief tarot reading, which I felt totally resonated and gave me guidance in how to take the energy we had created together out into the world, to be integrated.

Lauren was gentle and insightful. It is clear that she has practiced these creative rituals herself and creates such a sweet and safe space for people to show up where they are. I fully intend on signing up for her monthly “art as ritual” group, as well as bringing what she showed me into my regular creative expression and play.

I felt connected, seen and supported and recommend doing a session with Lauren to any creative, as a gift to one’s self.”

— Jess Sornson


“It was a different but beautiful experience. Lauren made it clear from the beginning that there are no expectations. And anything I draw even if it was a line or scribbles would be perfect. This took the pressure away and made me feel relaxed. Because I am not an artist and it was a permission slip that my inner child needed. It was a lovely way to connect with my intuition and gather information and messages that I very much needed. I would highly recommend this session.”

— Saba Umair


“I was guided by Lauren through a drawing meditation, where I could focus on what is important to me. I am presently receiving Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and I think this experience was a good supplement, with a different approach that taps into my creativity.”

— Alice

Distance Reiki & Tarot:

“Lauren creates a safe space for her clients to explore aspects of their subtle body while offering new ways to cultivate self awareness and compassion. My first distance Reiki session with her felt very comfortable each step of the way as she created a container for self inquiry and deeper healing. Lauren is easy to open up to, is non judgmental, and her understanding and kind energy makes for an ideal healing session. At a distance I was very much able to sense her presence with me throughout our appointment. Her ability to honor her clients' need for introspection while also being an enthusiastic and knowledgeable healer is what makes her such a powerful practitioner. Lauren is first and foremost a fantastic listener and an all around wonderful, multi-faceted healer.”

— Abigail

"My virtual Reiki session with Lauren was such a healing experience. I hadn’t considered virtual Reiki before, but I was navigating an intense period in life and was in deep need of rebalance. Lauren listened to my situation and she really catered the session to my needs. I walked away feeling reset and refreshed with new insights about how to process and proceed."


“I just recently began taking conscious steps forward in my spiritual journey, and had been having some trouble figuring out what to focus on for my shadow work, and where to go next to achieve the objectives I identified. Lauren prioritized finding her understanding of my emotional and spiritual needs, wants, and goals before we delved into the content of our session; she then proceeded to blow my mind with her intuitive tarot reading...I was able to easily identify many parallels in my spread! Her Reiki session was equally as healing as her tarot was insightful—at the end of our session, I found that I had filled an entire sheet of paper with feelings, thoughts, and messages that had revealed themselves to me. The way Lauren catalyzes spiritual and emotional growth+healing is incomparable, and she does it all while maintaining such a kind, yet powerful energy.”

— Jenelle

“I wanted to begin by saying my distance Reiki session with Lauren was phenomenal. She patiently guided me through all the steps before we began and I have to say, I felt amazing after. I can't wait to book my next session. Even though it was a distance session her presence was felt ever step of the way.”

— Zuwena

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