Three Of Wands

Dive even deeper into the magic of your creativity through this 6 month container for art as ritual. A perfect place to reset yourself as a creative professional in a demanding world.

The Intention of this container

Consistent 1:1 work can help long term growth. By making a 6 month commitment we can take it slowly and support your shift a little deeper. This commitment is not just between the two of us, but between yourself and your creativity, your inner child, and your intuitive gifts. If you are a creative professional, this is the perfect container for you in building a practice that moves through artistic blocks and avoids burn out.

About the 3 of Wands in tarot: looking forward to something with optimism. Preparing for a journey that you have dreamed of. Visualizing the future you desire.

What Is included?

  • Bi-weekly meetings each month that are broken down into:

    • one 60 min art ritual session a month.

    • one 120 min art ritual session a month.

  • One email check-in a month with creative prompts to support you when we are not meeting.

  • 2 free workshop ticket’s for either during or after the six month container.

  • 20% discount on all services outside of what is included in the container. Discount end’s at the end of the container.

With this container you will be able to explore art ritual with me consistently for your wellbeing as an artist. With a mix of 1 and 2 hour sessions we can start to dig deeper with some of the blocks and wounds in your creative practice. This level of consistent practice is ideal for professionals or newly graduated art students that feel they have lost steam post graduation. This 6 month container ultimately gives you that extra level of support with perks included.

What will be explored?

It’s all about intention. The intentions you bring to the container are the seeds we will water and grow together. What is explored here is similar to what would be explored in the 3 month container (Ace of Wands) with some additional exploration since we will be working together for a longer amount of time. Some of the things we can explore together over the 6 months include:

  • Exploring your “visual language” which is a term that refers to your unique connection to art or expression. Exploring this can connect us to feeling more confident in our work over time.

  • Deepening our practice for self-reflection and shadow work.

  • Exploring how to build a sustainable practice for yourself in a way that ensures that your creative energy is not burnt out by the hustle of life and constraints of being a working professional.

  • Work though old baggage in your creative life that no longer serves you. Allowing yourself to engage in creative play that ignites your joy.

Whats on the other side?

At the end of the 6 months, you will have all the tools necessary to continue forward with a more sustainable professional practice or just a more rewarding connection to art in general.

This container is all about you finding your way home to yourself. Empowering yourself to feel inspired and drop in when you feel you have lost a connection to your center.

Lean into your wild curiosity and magic with art as ritual!

“ Work through creative blocks with confidence and more grace! Trusting you’r magic and the life you are creating.”

— Lauren

What is the exchange?


Investment into the program is $900 that is broken down into six monthly payments of $150.

You can choose to pay in full or fully upfront, whichever serves your needs best. Payment will not be requested until you have been approved for the program.


Interested in this container?

I am so excited that you are interested in this container! But before diving in, please fill out the form below. Please share some information about what you hope to gain, general interest, or what has been keeping you stuck.

After I receive your message I will email you an intake form to begin the process. Spots for this container are limited so I want to ensure this container is ideal for your journey.

Please allow 1-2 days for me to process your intake form. If this container is a good fit, I will reach back out with a link to schedule your first appointment and contract to begin this magical journey together!

I look forward to hearing from you and sharing more about this offering!

Apply for this container here: