Ep. 5: Kathleen Callahan, working with plants, astrology, and the tarot.

Hello again! It's been awhile but I am so happy to be back with another great interview with another great artist. Kathleen is a multi-dimensional co-creative translator of spirit. Discovering herself, the world, and her ancestry through working with plant spirits, the spinning of star stories, and the mirror of the tarot for the deeper human experience. As an artist, Kathleen went to art school here in Philadelphia and studied traditional Textile Design, but today, she uses her skill set as an intuitive medium to express what she sees in her visions. Her biggest subjects of focus are astrology and plant medicine, as she is continually inspired by the story of the stars and the soil.


Kathleen teaches classes on astrology, tarot, and plant medicine on her Patreon


Plant Medicine Online Shop


Link to Listen: https://anchor.fm/lauren-schwind


Ep. 6: Qori Moore, Connectivity, identity, stillness, and channeling emotions/energy


Ep. 1: Rachael Amber, the Cycles Journal, and connecting our cycles with nature.