Ep. 34: Charlotte Tara, Culture Building, Ecstatic Dance, & Finding Yourself Through Expression
Hello friend! So excited to share another amazing conversation with you. This time I had the pleasure of interviewing Charlotte Tara. Here is a little more about our artist!
About Me
I am an intuitive artist working in several creative media: I am a writer, currently writing in the fantasy genre; I am a visual artist with a focus on drawing and painting from my imagination and intuition; and I am a dancer.
The source of all of my creative work is the same. This source flows from the center of who I am, and is multifaceted. These facets are: Reverence and Wonder, Intuition, Imagination, and Trust and Non-Attachment. My artistic visions and practices are uniquely mine: a fusion of my own innate gifts and the loving presence and guidance of countless other beings, only a few of which have formally been my teachers.I live in Roanoke, Virginia with my wife, our twin children, and 11 other animals: one dog, three cats, and seven chickens. I grow tall sunflowers.
My Website is a wonderful place to get an overview of who I am and my work, and you can purchase prints from my shop.
Rumoring & Shalemarch This link leads to my World Anvil page for my in-development tabletop roleplaying setting and content. And I am on Instagram: @bodhiterra, where I occasionally write about creativity, spirituality, and being a transgender woman.
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