Ep. 27: Janet Goodspeed / Goodsigil, Jewelry, Tarot, And The Esoteric Journey

Hello friends!

The time has come for another amazing interview. This time we expand outside the states to our neighbors to the north. I am  so excited to share another jewelry maker all the way from Canada! Here is some more about our artist:

Jewellery, Magic, & Tarot

"Janet Goodspeed is the creatrix at Good Sigil Arts; a jewellery micro-business inspired by tarot and astrology. Goodspeed is a trained jeweller, gemmologist, and educator as well as a tarot reader and astrologer. She handcrafts sterling silver and gemstone jewellery with intention in her Vancouver BC studio."



IG & Twitter & TikTok @ goodsigil


Here work is absolutely amazing! I hope you enjoy!


Ep. 28: Julia Elise, Mindfulness, Nonprofit Work, And Creating Tools Of Self-Care


Ep. 26: Rachele Eve / SecretTexts, Micro Poetry, Connecting To Spirit, and Launching a Product Line