Ep. 23: Eryn Johnson, Poetry, Religious Trauma, And Living Your Truth

Happy May Friends, I am excited to share our first poet on the podcast! I met Eryn years ago, taking their workshops and working together privately. Eryn is an amazing facilitator and it was such a pleasure to sit down and talk to them about their work. Here is a little more about today's artist! Eryn Johnson (she/they) is a queer breathwork facilitator, energy worker, and writer based in Philadelphia. They write to remember, to heal, to process. Her poetry explores the impacts of religious trauma and cisheteropatriarchy, telling stories of survival and of becoming. You can find them on Instagram @erynj_.

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Listen To the Podcast Here: https://anchor.fm/subnormalchild/episodes/Ep--23-Eryn-Johnson--Poetry--Religious-Trauma--And-Living-Your-Truth-e1igid0


Ep 24: Gloria Jean Martin, Illustrating, Teaching, And not Being Put In A Box


Ep. 22: Heather Enders/ Empty and Amazing, Creating a Tarot Deck, Getting Through Hard Times, And Plants As Teachers