Ep. 19: Martin Bridge, Animism, Live Painting, Environmental Care And Change.

I am so excited to share this months artist, Martin Bridge. Here is a little more about our artist: Martin is proudly carrying his family tradition forth as he lives, creates and teaches in the hills of Western Massachusetts. His work spans a wide range of media from Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Theater Design and Site Specific Installations to Performance. One of the most central themes to his work is an exploration of the natural world and our place as humans in relation to the web of life that we are a part of. His work bridges realms of science and mysticism in an effort to challenge the cultural paradigms that dictate how we relate to both the natural world as well as our brothers and sisters. As an avid Permaculture designer he strives to create work that improves his own awareness of how he relates to the natural world and invites viewers to contemplate how to live in better balance with the world around us. His Permaculture works have been shared in international publications and educational material. Through his work he hopes to inspire and cultivate a greater sense of mystery and possibility in our experience of the world. Find out more about Martin through the links down below!



@martinbridgeart. (facebook and instagram)

martin.bridge.art (tiktok)

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Listen to the Podcast here: The Subnormal Podcast


Ep. 20: Alex Lozier, Talisman Jewelry, Connecting To Crystals Energetically, And Planting A Forest.


Ep. 18: Mackensey Alexander, Embodiment Photography, Intimacy Coaching, and Body Neutrality