Ep. 16: Clarissa Eck, Illustrated Pottery, Nature As Teacher, And Forgiveness

Hello Friends! It has been far too long since our last episode but I am so excited to be back and share with you our first ceramics artist, Clarissa Eck! A little more about her: Clarissa Eck is a ceramic artist who studied Illustration at Pratt Institute and graduated with a BFA in 2014. Clarissa studied pottery informally at The Clay Studio in Philadelphia and completed their two-year work exchange program, similar to an internship. Clarissa uses the technique of sgraffito, or carving into clay, to integrate animal messengers, ancient plant knowledge and hermetic symbolism into her illustrated pottery.

Find her work at her website www.clarissa-eck.com and Instagram @clarissaeck

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Link to Listen: https://anchor.fm/lauren-schwind


Ep. 17: Veronika Rose, Moral Injury, Visionary Painting, And Finding Plant Medicine.


Ep. 15: Qil Jones, Afrofuturism, Metalworking, And Honoring Deep Connective Practices.