Ace Of Wands

Build an art practice that supports your mental health and overall wellbeing through this 3 month container for art as ritual.

Why is this container supportive?

Consistent 1:1 work can help long term growth. I deeply believe in this work and our ability to create change that supports your needs. Over 3 months, we will focus on your goals to create change that truly supports you.

About the Ace of Wands in tarot: Follow your heart and live your passion. Often seen as a call for creativity and ambition. An offering being given to you from spirit.

What Is included?

  • two 60 min art ritual sessions a month. (bi-weekly)

  • One email check-in a month with a creative prompt to support you when we are not meeting.

  • 1 free workshop ticket for either during or after the three month container.

  • 15% discount on all services outside of what is included in the container. Discount end’s at the end of the container.

With this container you will be able to explore art ritual with me consistently for your overall wellbeing. This 3 month container ultimately gives you support with extra perks included.

What will be explored?

It’s all about intention. The intentions you bring to the container are the seeds we will water and grow together. Some of the things we can explore together over the 3 months include:

  • Color exploration as a way to connect to our inner child and explore the emotional landscape.

  • Line and shape as a way to build an intuitive practice that allows you to tap into your subconscious and intuitive gifts.

  • How to reframe art as ritual in a way that supports you best, so that after the container ends, you are able to lead yourself forward with less fear and self-doubt about your intuitive connection.

  • Use art to move stagnant energy that might be held in our bodies to support our overall well being.

Whats on the other side?

Gain a new and deeper connection to art as a tool of ritual and self-care. Reframing art as something that assists us in coming home to ourselves.

Re-learn your creative connection with art as ritual!

What is the exchange?

The exchange is $333 for the three months and is broken down to $111 each month.

Can be paid in full or over time.

“ You are magic. Let’s nurture that magic by reframing art as ritual in your life.”

— Lauren


Interested in this container?

I am so excited that you are interested in this container! But before diving in, please fill out the form below. Please share some information about what you hope to gain, general interest, or what has been keeping you stuck.

After I receive your message I will email you an intake form to begin the process. Spots for this container are limited so I want to ensure this container is ideal for your journey.

Please allow 1-2 days for me to process your intake form. If this container is a good fit, I will reach back out with a link to schedule your first appointment and contract to begin this magical journey together!

I look forward to hearing from you and sharing more about this offering!

Apply for this container here: